Thursday, August 29, 2019

5. Notes - humor, irony and anger

5. humor and irony   29 August 2019

       Nearly noon. Tom, supervisor at M/I, finished the house work and cleaning service except for repainting the front door and porch next Tuesday. Presently, you are at Oakland Gardens off Rt. 36/37 in east Delaware city waiting for Carol shopping. The morning has been very pleasant and fall-like. Football weather in Central Ohio. - Amorella

       Nothing comes to mind but something is troubling your soul. - mh

       1203 hours. I like to keep a lot of stuff to myself, Ms Havisham. I like to stay away from today's raw politics and religion as much as possible. 

       You brought up slavery yesterday. - mh

       You are presently at Barnes and Noble at Polaris. Carol is looking for her The House with Secrets as she has misplaced or lost her copy. 

       1320 hours. Ms. Havisham, when you wrote the above, I immediately thought: 'What would Press Williams think about our world today?' On second thought though, I don't know whether I would like to think on how the world might be seventy years or so from now? It will probably be better for people in some ways and worse for other people. It no doubt depends on who has the money and who doesn't. Is this what is troubling my soul?

       Lack of human justice and human equality rings a bell. -mh

       1331 hours. So, what else is new? I'm tired of this subject, Ms Havisham. It's never going to change. Human beings are built like they are and basically, it's a dog eat dog world out there; if you are going to get anywhere in the world you have to work for it, marry someone who has money, inherit it or steal it, I suppose. Nothing's ever free in this world. Even if money grew on trees, somebody would find a way to corner the market. In the short and long run I'm not too hopeful about the species. If one looks around at us in the world today, and wonder why we haven't found any evidence of other human-like creatures in the universe, it seems to me though there many planets that support our type of conscious life out there they don't have the capability to communicate with us, or if they do, they've chosen not to do so. 

       I wonder at your optimism old man. - mh

       Carol bought a new The House of Secrets, Barnes and Noble had one copy, plus she bought two cookies, one was free. Presently, you are facing west in the shade at the south end of Heritage Park with the playing fields behind you. The shared cookies are long gone. - Amorella

       1410 hours. Most sane people are not optimistic about the future of humankind in old age. Of course, that really hasn't changed that much over the millenniums, so there you go. I guess I should keep that in mind too. We tend to stumble through from one would be crisis to another. Fortunately, so far anyway, no nuclear war beyond World War II.

       You wanted equal pay and self-served justice where possible. - mh

       1416 hours. I wrote about it for human-like aliens who were marsupial bent, so to speak. Don't bring this up, Ms Havisham. That was a long time ago when I had a stretch of hope, not for us so much, but for a human-like species, one where each had a heartansoulanmind as we do, but had an extra twenty-thousand years to mature both economically and socially. They had one biological advantage, they did not have to carry 'babes' to full term naturally. The pre-babes instinctively climbed out and up to a pouch to survive final term. The social advantage is that when confronted with danger they ran for cover and did not stand and fight except under rare circumstances. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I actually had hope in those days, a secret hope that we humans could find a way to live like that. The marsupials had other advantages too, but they were secondary. The marsupials were runners first. Run and hide and live another day. The hiding took cleverness so their brains developed along those lines. Besides, the marsupial babes were clever enough to climb up to hide in the pouch in the first place. They crawled in, matured, climbed out then they learned to walk. Later, the marsupials ran. Enough. An idle dream. The nightmare, of course, was their 'goody, goody two-shoes' nature sent them to Earth to make life better if Earthlings wanted it. Of course, Earthlings didn't want any foreigners telling Earthlings what to do, so they didn't. The marsupials thus left, set a sign of some kind 'Out There' saying to the effect, "Do Not Disturb This Planet and Species." (1437)

       This sounds very much like the human species you detest. - mh

       1438 hours. That's the humor and the irony. That's the delight. 

       Your deepest sincerity is depressing. mh

       1440 hours. I enjoy the humor and irony. I see a light at the end of the tunnel through it -- at least there is one truth in the combo - "Humor and Irony".

       Later, Ms Havisham and old man. Post when applicable. - Amorella

       1444 hours. That's all right, Amorella. I can deal with it. 

        I think if the old man wants the title "humor and irony" it ought to include "anger" for clarity's sake. - mh

       I agree. What do you say, old man? - Amorella

       1632 hours. For self-honesty and in deeper reflection, I'll include anger, but I don't like it. 

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38. Note - concluding note and a Thank You for reading.

38.  8 October 2019          1127 hours. I don't have anything to say. The keys feel harder to press. I appear to have lost my na...