Tuesday, September 10, 2019

17. Notes - reverberation / too simple

17.  10 September 2019

       Shortly after noon local time. Carol is reading the new October, Consumer Reportswith the theme: "Who is Watching You". - Amorella

       1214 hours. I assume G-D or much lesser spirits keep us human beings in tune. People pray. I assume it does some good. I think this but as an existentialist I have my doubts as to how the spiritual world and physical word are connected. I feel they are though, because of you, Amorella. I really don't want to go into this in any detail. Personally, I don't know. It's cultural and part of my conflict in being an existential transcendentalist. I realize, of course, that Consumer Reportswas about technology. I read the magazine already.

        Interestingly, you feel that to think G-D is watching you is blasphemy. mh

       1242 hours. It is the height of arrogance. Now, if Consciousness is all connected in some grand way, that is something else. And, it is certainly not a personification of G-D. So, this is a correction to my first sentence at 1214 hours today. It is difficult to comprehend a Grand Consciousness although what comes to mind is Emerson and the Oversoul.

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oversoul. noun. In the transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a spiritual essence or vital force in the universe in which all souls participate and that therefore transcends individual consciousness.

Selected from Online Dictionary

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       It seems to me though that using Oversoul for Consciousness is a misnomer. 

       Yes, it is. Consciousness in context is clear and clean. An analogy, in part, would be the Internet in reverse. The Internet is set for individual use, but in this case, it is the individual who is her or his own Internet. The Over Internet is the connection to all Internets (all consciousness). Consciousness views all consciousness the same, the same clear and clean line, so to speak. - Amorella

       1406 hours. I never have thought of consciousness in these terms. So, even reading someone's thoughts might be a part of this connection?

       Or more with your former line of professional work, you can use Tennyson's poem, "Flower" as an example. - Amorella

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Flower in the Crannied Wall
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Flower in the Crannied Wall" is an 1863 poem by Alfred Tennyson.

Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower—but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.
Selected and edited from Wikipedia
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       1423 hours. Wow. On this information I am nearly speechless. A lifetime of poetry and literature. I would not have simply thought: Consciousness in this context. 

       I have reverberation. - mh

       Post. - Amorella

       Hey, old man, it appears you are striking gold. mh

       1604 hours. Not gold but a deep vein of substance-in-my-head, at least for me. The projection of world literature, art, music; the whole of humanities, and the sciences too, the whole of it at first, Consciousness, I never associated it with Spirit or Soul as such. 

       Consciousness is first, old man. The Beginning is Consciousness. - Amorella 
       1617 hours. Consciousness is not G-D. 

       G-D is G-D in context. Consciousness is not even close. - Amorella

       1619 hours. That puts a damper on religion, per se.

       It puts a damper on everything, but it is easily rectified. - Amorella

       1645 hours. How so?

       Religious consciousness, philosophical consciousness, mathematical consciousness, physics consciousness. There are no atheists. Believers still exist because they are conscious of their beliefs. Consciousness is a way everyone can have their own way, plus G-D is greater than all of consciousness. The way first, is one: Consciousness. All things that delight consciousness contribute to thought, all thought is consciousness. - Amorella

       1655 hours. This sounds too simple. 

       You are distrusting. You need more thought. - mh

       1703 hours. I am an agnostic. I have my doubts on all of it though the concept of G-D has not left me and never will. Your writing allows for this. People have too much pride to fall for this line of thinking.

       Why? G-D is interconnected with all thought of self be thee a worm, grass or bacteria or a quantum, anything that has a sense of 'self' has consciousness. G-D is in all Things and Beyond, isn't that what your imaginary Marsupial humanoids think in your Merlyn books? - Amorella

       1712 hours. - Here's the rub, Amorella. I write fiction because I see myself as mostly fiction. 

       You are arrogant. - Post. - Amorella

       1717 hours. I am forever an agnostic, Amorella, because I am human. 

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38. Note - concluding note and a Thank You for reading.

38.  8 October 2019          1127 hours. I don't have anything to say. The keys feel harder to press. I appear to have lost my na...