Saturday, September 14, 2019

20. peaceful and comforting

20.   14 September 2019 oms
       0812 hours. We don't have the collective inclination or the collective will to change the world for the better, for putting the children's interests first. We are too busy in our individual needs and wants to survive first, then to survive better so that our children might survive better - a family inclination and a family will. We, our species, does what it can do so we can live in such a life and grow in the setting. provided by our recent ancestors. (0819)

       Late morning. Shortly you will be heading over to feed Ellie her special food packet. You just talked to Kim and they are nearing Charlotte, North Carolina on their way to Hilton Head. They left at ten of five this morning. You both slept in a bit more than usual and you are attributing it to the cooler weather coming in today. Last night Jim S. texted you about Otterbein being selected to hold the Democratic debate on 15 October. - Amorella

       1142 hours. Life long Democrats, Grandma and Popo (Mae and Henri) Schick would be well surprised and pleased as would be a few others in old Westerville of the 1930's, 40's, 50's and 60's.

       You're at Kim and Paul's, Ellie is being fed. Beautiful Fall-like day, orndorff, at least you are cognizant of the fact. - Amorella

       1240 hours. Nice drive over. On Thursday last I saw my first brown and black wooly worm crossing the road. There is always a first this time of year. 

       Blue sky with interspersed white clouds, two of my favorite colors. - mh

       1244 hours. This is a surprise, Ms Havisham, I didn't know souls could have favorites. 

       Souls develop a longing for certain worldly aspects. That is, if we aren't here, we miss them much as you might miss the beach or the mountains. - mh

       1248 hours. What are the material things you miss most?

       What a strange question to ask a soul for human and human-like spiritual beings. mh

       1250 hours. You brought up the blue and white clouds, Ms Havisham. 

       Blue and white is what can be seen from the heavens, so to speak. Earth is a blue and white planet from the human perspective. It provides security and comfort just as I do. - mh
       1256 hours. I never thought of the soul as a spiritual Earth for a spiritual heartanmind. 

       I like the peaceful and comforting reflection. - mh

       Post. - Amorella

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38. Note - concluding note and a Thank You for reading.

38.  8 October 2019          1127 hours. I don't have anything to say. The keys feel harder to press. I appear to have lost my na...