19. 12 September 2019
Mid-afternoon. You had a good lunch with Fritz and will see him at supper. Carol has put in the second batch of brownies for the AAUW meeting tonight, otherwise, it is a relaxing, though warm day out, for retirees like yourselves. - Amorella
1510 hours. I have no idea what to talk about today. This is another problem, there are too many things thrown at us what with the Internet and mass media. It is like having a huge closet full of thirty years' worth of stuff and thinking about going through and cleaning up. It is easier to give up and not even thinking about cleaning and throwing out than it is to do something about the problem; after all we can clean it up tomorrow or next week or next year. The whole idea is too foolish to spend time thinking about. That was the beauty of my fiction, outsiders would arrive shortly so something had to be done. There are any number of deadly world-wide disasters that would work on any given day. Too horrible to think on, plus it would be a worse dog/cat eat dog /cat world. All this and I didn't consider an accidental nuclear or bacterial war. Very depressing and not worth thinking on further. (1534)
These are some of the reasons that things don't get done. There are many more reasons of course not to clean up the filled backyard shed. - Amorella
Rich people pay poor and middle-class people to do the work. - mh
1539 hours. I'm surprise at you, Ms Havisham. You are not so idealistic as I thought you might be.
This is coming from your spiritual heartanmind. - mh
Think of the richer nations' nonprofits paying the poorer nations to clean up humanizing standards such as health, education, work, play and quiet time nonprofits. - Amorella
1552 hours. Amorella, you are embarrassing me. I thought out my fiction better than that -- of course the fictional setting was fictional too. That's the reason the alien Marsupial humanoids came in handy. We don't have any exoplanet aliens. Come to think on it, we don't have any Angels either. I don't think an angel or two could clean up things any better than we would.
Some human beings don't want anyone else to clean up for them even if they don't want to clean up themselves. We have to do it ourselves with no aliens and no angels. I can't even imagine such a scenario. Too many pack-oriented people and too many individual-oriented people. All this is way out of my league anyway. I'm fiction oriented. This is interesting to me in that sense but real life -- no way this would work here.
Our social biology is not oriented to living together. You can see it in the United States presently. Even if the world were economically set as the United States and Europe and Asia are today the divisions would go on and on. People are not built to be satisfied -- rich, poor or in between many people are unhappy with too much just as they are unhappy with too little. -- Sartre comes to mind at this point - Hell can be other people and hell can be being alone. We are a fickle species; maybe we need that to survive in our earthly setting. This how we have survived so far. (1623) I'm done.
You go on and on, old man. Don't you get tired of saying and trying to do the same old things? - mh
1626 hours. I'm tired, yes. I talk way too much without saying a word.
Post. - Amorella
It's your time, boy, not ours. - Amorella
You returned from your Class of 1960 supper at Jimmy D's in Uptown Westerville. Only a few people showed up but you all appeared to have a good time nevertheless. - Amorella
2143 hours. Writing is not a waste of time even if it appears my mind thinks it so. My heart does not, no matter what the subject is.
Bully for you, old man. At least you can tell which part is which. - mh
2146 hours. Ms Havisham, you know I am not an intellectual. People who are, are people who should work on how to solve human problems, as well as world problems. Human problems deal with water, food, health, wealth, education and socialization for personal and/or family and cultural settings around the world. I'm old man Mr. Fiction. I am not hopeless about our species, not by a long shot, but I cannot think of anything new. If I did I would have disguised it in my original Merlyn's Mind's trilogy, believe me, I did not. Well, I did disguise it without much thought, through uncaught 'general manuscript specifications' (including grammar and construction) errors; i.e. I was the only proofreader.
Carol is home and has told you about the AAUW meeting. All for tonight, orndorff. Post.
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